Sunday 5 February 2012


Despite the season I'm currently in, the word of God is constantly giving me hope. I might be down but not for long.My setback is a setup for my comeback. This is my awakening. With God, the future is bright, very bright, so I decided to put down a few reasons why I shall smile again. So, here goes it;

I shall smile again; because my God is a just God. Psalms 33:5
I shall smile again; because He alone knows the plans that He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me; plans to give me a hope and a future.Jer 29:11
I shall smile again; because the war has already been won to every battle that I fight. Deuteronomy 20:4
I shall smile again ; because my God is a restorer, He will restore unto me what the enemy has stolen. Joel 2:25-27
I shall smile again; because the path of the just is as a shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day.Proverbs 4:18.
I shall smile again; because he gives beauty for ashes and the oil of gladness for mourning. Isaiah 61:1-3
I shall smile again; because God shall wipe away every tear from my eyes. Rev 21:4, 17:7
I shall smile again ; because God is faithful. Deuteronomy 7:9, 2 Timothy 2:13, 1 Corinthians 1:9


Thursday 2 February 2012

Did I miss God?

The year hasn't began on a very good note for me. I had hopes, dreams that I couldn't wait to see come to pass. I had prayed,had night vigils, quoted scripture, fasted and received a dream from God, or so I thought.I prayed for confirmation so many times and time and time again I'd get dreams confirming it.  All I had to do now was be confident in what I'd seen, so I quoted extensively from Hebrews 10:35-38 and Acts 4:20.All I was waiting for was for the vision to come to pass. So I wrote it down as it says in Habakkuk 2:2-3, I made the vision plain so that i could run with it as i read it. I waited for it patiently because the word says we should wait for the vision even though it tarries.All through, I kept on seeing signs( or was I seeing my own things) and I thought things were on track.
I had faith. A friend had shared with us during devotions one time that you can't have faith without having your hopes up.So my hopes were high up in the heavens with my faith, after all doesn't the Bible say that he who comes to Him must believe that He is, and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. The just shall live by faith, that was my motto.
As the year began, the signs seemed to get stronger, this was it, I thought, the vision is finally coming to pass. Then one morning at the height of all this I got information to the contrary. My dream was not going to be. I remembered my faith, hopes and everything else that was high up there, they all came tumbling down crashing me to smittherens.
Did I see wrong?Did I hear my own things? What about the signs?
Now my days are full of tears and sleepless nights have become the norm not to mention my dwindling appetite.I keep on thinking , if I dint hear God on this then it means I've never heard Him, this was something I was so sure about more than the skin on my flesh.
I took a look at myself in the mirror yesterday and couldn't believe how haggard i look. Red puffy eyes, pale skin not to mention the overwhelming sadness. I tried to pray and before I got to the second word my cheeks were awash with torrents of tears. And the way I thought I'm not a crier.
What I'm going through is so painful. Some ask how I am feeling and to be honest I feel crushed, mortified, overwhelmed and so much more that words can't describe.
All I need is to find God. Where did I loose Him? God is faithful no matter what I go through, I keep reminding myself. So like Job I will trust in Him even though He slays me.Job 23 is becoming ever so real to me in this season. 
Lord, you are faithful, do that which only you can do.

Friday 30 December 2011

Things I'm thankful for this year

As 2011, draws to a close and i ruminate on the year that was, there are things that just put a smile on my face and I can't help but thank God for them. So I thought I should do a list of the things I'm grateful for. So here goes;
  1. First and foremost I'm thankful for salvation, I thank God for sending His Son to die for me, and also that I'm still saved!
  2. Secondly I thank God for His word. In all my years in salvation, the word of God has never come so alive to me, like it did this year. Words can not even explain it but it has truly been an amazing experience.
  3. Family, I thank God for my family, its been another great year for us.
  4. My dad's healing. ( he had been admitted in hospital earlier on in the year for about a month)
  5. Growing in my walk in Christ, thanks to God and my spiritual mentors Ms Ann,Pastor Johnny and Faith my cell leader/ friend rolled into one.Awesomeness!
  6. Getting a job and for the better job that I'll get soon. Can't wait!
  7. Passing my Law School Exams, Woo Hoo!!!- A friend suggested I should pelt the school bus with eggs while screaming "I made it!" at the top of my voice to celebrate, Geez! Rose you need help. Lots!
  8. My friends; crazy bunch of people, where would I be without them.
  9. Supa, my best friend, for all the laughter that we shared.
  10. Evo, my other best friend, for the encouragement and advice; very dependable.
  11. My prayer partner, Tats, looking forward to another great year as we grow together in our prayer lives.
  12. Protection; this is especially a big one considering all that was happening during the year, accidents, Al Shabaab threats etc
  13. Good health and provision; the things we take for granted.
All in all , this was one of my greatest years, and God proved Himself faithful yet again,. Ain't I glad that I have a God who changes not. Can't wait to see what He has in store for me in 2012. 
Proverbs 4:18
But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Meditating on Job 23

So I've been meditating on the 23rd chapter on the book of Job and I must say its an awesome experience.
 Job was such an exemplary character. Just thinking that this guy had lost everything yet all he wanted was God!
Verse 3 says;
3 Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat! All he wanted was to find God. Not the property he had lost, not his children that he had lost but God.
Wow, I can't help asking myself over n over if I desire God more than anything else that this world has to offer. Job had found the real reason for living. It's not about what we have but its about our relationship with God. Jesus says that He came that we may have life, n life more abundantly, in short if you don't have him you don't have life. It doesn't matter who you are, what qualifications you have,what car you drive, which neighbourhood you live in, as long as you don't have Him you have nothing. On the other hand if you have Him and have nothing else then you still have it in life. The world never makes it look this way, if anything the world's view is that  whoever finishes with the most toys wins. Really? If only you could carry them with you to the grave.
Anyway, this is food for thought for me. So, think about it, Is He really all you desire? There's nothing wrong with having these other things in life, as long as God is the number one priority in your life, after all Job had it all and God still had his rightful place in his life. If anything in Matthew it says seek ye first the kingdom  of God and all His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. So all I have to do is make sure that God has his rightful place in my life, and everything else will eventually fall into place.
My prayer today is that, by the help of the Holy Spirit I shall be able to identify the areas of my life that are not fully yielded to Him so that He can have His rightful place in every sphere of my life.
Set your priorities right today! 

Friday 2 December 2011

More about me

I've always wanted to write a blog and well finally, this is it! To start with I think it would be a good idea for my readers to know me better than just what the about me section in this blog says. So, I decided to come up with 20 truths about me that will help people connect with me;
  1.  I love the Lord with all my heart.
  2.  I really desire to grow more in my walk with Christ.
  3.  I rhema daily, but journal once in a while(Note to myself- really need to work on that).
  4.  I'm single and enjoying the season !
  5.  I'm a dancer in my church and its one of the things I really love looove doing.
  6.  I'm also a lawyer and waiting to be admitted to the bar sometime next year(2012).Yaay!!
  7.  I'm in my mid 20s.
  8.  My favorite book in the bible is the book of Job, especially chapter 23. ( I can read it ten times n still wont get bored).
  9.  I listen to all genres of music that is spiritually uplifting but I feel nothing for hip hop n rap songs. Hivyo tu.
  10.  I love cooking, especially chapos, its like therapy.
  11.  I love dressing up( the girly side of me:-)).
  12.  If I were to move to another ministry, I'd join the intercessors ministry.
  13.  Every year (since 2000), i make a resolution to learn how to swim, I think i should just resign to the fact that I fear cold water coz at this rate...
  14. I really value my church family; they keep me grounded.
  15. I prefer listening to music rather than watching tv.
  16. I have two best friends, I know it sounds contradictory but then again that's just it.
  17. At the end of everyday I have a mirror session, when I just look at myself in the mirror, and talk to myself. Mostly its about my hopes, dreams, progress on my goals in life, rebuke, encouragement etc.
  18. My favorite version of the bible is the King James Version, the old English makes it sound very authoritative( the lawyer in me)
  19. I really enjoy my sleep,( My mum thinks I really need to do something about my sleeping pattern) but I thank God I'm able to wake up n pray.
  20. I critique myself more than anyone else in my life does.( In pursuit of excellence)
So now, I think this list shows I'm pretty much a regular girl, with hopes and dreams, it is my prayer that every one who will connect with me through this blog will get uplifted and  encouraged in their christian walk and for those who are yet to come to Christ's saving knowledge that they will be drawn to Him as we embark on this journey.