Friday 30 December 2011

Things I'm thankful for this year

As 2011, draws to a close and i ruminate on the year that was, there are things that just put a smile on my face and I can't help but thank God for them. So I thought I should do a list of the things I'm grateful for. So here goes;
  1. First and foremost I'm thankful for salvation, I thank God for sending His Son to die for me, and also that I'm still saved!
  2. Secondly I thank God for His word. In all my years in salvation, the word of God has never come so alive to me, like it did this year. Words can not even explain it but it has truly been an amazing experience.
  3. Family, I thank God for my family, its been another great year for us.
  4. My dad's healing. ( he had been admitted in hospital earlier on in the year for about a month)
  5. Growing in my walk in Christ, thanks to God and my spiritual mentors Ms Ann,Pastor Johnny and Faith my cell leader/ friend rolled into one.Awesomeness!
  6. Getting a job and for the better job that I'll get soon. Can't wait!
  7. Passing my Law School Exams, Woo Hoo!!!- A friend suggested I should pelt the school bus with eggs while screaming "I made it!" at the top of my voice to celebrate, Geez! Rose you need help. Lots!
  8. My friends; crazy bunch of people, where would I be without them.
  9. Supa, my best friend, for all the laughter that we shared.
  10. Evo, my other best friend, for the encouragement and advice; very dependable.
  11. My prayer partner, Tats, looking forward to another great year as we grow together in our prayer lives.
  12. Protection; this is especially a big one considering all that was happening during the year, accidents, Al Shabaab threats etc
  13. Good health and provision; the things we take for granted.
All in all , this was one of my greatest years, and God proved Himself faithful yet again,. Ain't I glad that I have a God who changes not. Can't wait to see what He has in store for me in 2012. 
Proverbs 4:18
But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

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