Thursday 22 December 2011

Meditating on Job 23

So I've been meditating on the 23rd chapter on the book of Job and I must say its an awesome experience.
 Job was such an exemplary character. Just thinking that this guy had lost everything yet all he wanted was God!
Verse 3 says;
3 Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat! All he wanted was to find God. Not the property he had lost, not his children that he had lost but God.
Wow, I can't help asking myself over n over if I desire God more than anything else that this world has to offer. Job had found the real reason for living. It's not about what we have but its about our relationship with God. Jesus says that He came that we may have life, n life more abundantly, in short if you don't have him you don't have life. It doesn't matter who you are, what qualifications you have,what car you drive, which neighbourhood you live in, as long as you don't have Him you have nothing. On the other hand if you have Him and have nothing else then you still have it in life. The world never makes it look this way, if anything the world's view is that  whoever finishes with the most toys wins. Really? If only you could carry them with you to the grave.
Anyway, this is food for thought for me. So, think about it, Is He really all you desire? There's nothing wrong with having these other things in life, as long as God is the number one priority in your life, after all Job had it all and God still had his rightful place in his life. If anything in Matthew it says seek ye first the kingdom  of God and all His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. So all I have to do is make sure that God has his rightful place in my life, and everything else will eventually fall into place.
My prayer today is that, by the help of the Holy Spirit I shall be able to identify the areas of my life that are not fully yielded to Him so that He can have His rightful place in every sphere of my life.
Set your priorities right today! 

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